
On the trail of Lord Rama's footsteps in Rameswaram

In the immortal creation of Valmiki Ramayana,On the trail of Lord Rama's footsteps  in Rameswaram Rama reached the shore of Rameswaram trying to find a way to cross the sea to reach Lanka, where Sita was held by Ravana. It was Hanuman who came here in the first place in search of Sita. He is the son of Vayu, the wind god, just hop in front of the sea Rama had to find a way to cross the sea safely with his army of Vanars.

Located at the tip of the Indian subcontinent, the Gulf of Mannar, Rameswaram is a beautiful land on an island. There is a bridge connecting the mainland. The road to the sea on two sides faithful to the temple. Visit the temple here to see the chakra where traces have been preserved by the devotees. Climb the stairs here and get to the top of the temple

Rameswaram landscape and celebrate the holy presence of Lord Rama. Specialists immortal epic, the Ramayana has traced the path of Lord Rama through the verses of the Ramayana of Valmiki. These places have temples where pilgrims have been revered for centuries and now you too can follow in the footsteps of Lord Rama.

This is the place where Lord Rama stopped before and after your visit Lanka to free his wife Sita, who was taken hostage by the difficult king Ravana of Lanka (grandson of Brahma). Lord Rama installed a Shivalinga and prayed God Shiva absolved of the sin of killing Ravana (grandson of Brahma). Therefore, this site is important for Shaivites and Vaishanavites. It is believed that a visit to Varanasi (Kashi) is not complete if the Ganges water is offered to Ramalinga.

This is the place where Lord Rama stopped before and after your visit Lanka to free his wife Sita, who was taken hostage by the difficult king Ravana of Lanka (grandson of Brahma). Lord Rama installed a Shivalinga and prayed God Shiva absolved of the sin of killing Ravana (grandson of Brahma). Therefore, this site is important for Shaivites and Vaishanavites. It is believed that a visit to Varanasi (Kashi) is not complete if the Ganges water is offered to Ramalinga.