
ILens IPicture and the iPhone camera dated

When rumors display in the online tech community, which often has to do with Apple. Over the years, it's almost as if Apple has put rumors to a successful system to make discovery more media coverage. Some things, of course, was pure fiction, but sometimes there are things that are "leaked" that twisted out to be exactly what Apple is working. I would say that Illinois picture and not one of those leaks concepts.

Comeback of the concept:
ILens Dual Lens System gives you the ability to click with the main objective of 50mm on the main device. Attractively attached telephoto circuits and give more animated picture. Lens magnetically removable from the upper part of the main device of the lens, which is the target length of 50 mm. The objective and the proclamation device with each other by the NFC standard. Gesture case sensitive zoom lens and allows assignment focus. In addition, an integrated ring around the lens cover diverts flash darken cast by the lens. This makes iLens a effectual camera with an image sensor pocket full size is really capable of. The design of the cubic case of the lens, rather than the conventional and familiar columnar shape has taken into account for easy storage. As a DSLR lens to bend, if handled with care. Unlike a DSLR, the image sensor is sealed behind the main objective of 50 mm, so there is no possibility of dust damage the sensor during lens changes. A heads UV filter scratch resistant lens, so there is no need for a lens cap.

iLens and come back Picture by Yanko Design image concept: Double lens system in Illinois gives you the option to click on the lens focal length of 50 mm in the main device. Attractively attached telephoto settings and give more animated picture.